Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Somehow the last ten weeks have crawled by.  I’m not sure that is a good thing…  While the time has passed by slowly, much has been crammed in with regard to military knowledge acquisition (not entirely the same thing as learning, but similar in many senses) and military training.  Being a lieutenant at BOLC is better than being a cadet during field training, the facilities are nicer, the pay is better and yet less rewarding in some metaphorical sense.  The sense of camaraderie and enthusiasm experienced in most army units seems to be lacking by and large.  Perhaps that is just the winter fast approaching the Ozarks though…

I was appointed the academics officer for Engineer BOLC Class 12-10.  Basically, my job is to assist my classmates in acquiring the knowledge they need to pass the 7 exams we take over the 17 week course.  The exams we have taken thus far have covered doctrine, defensive operations, offensive operations & demolition, and bridging.  I create notes and run study sessions for each block of instruction.  By far the most exciting block to date was demolitions.  Where else do you have the opportunity to detonate TNT, C4, dynamite, cratering charges, steel cutting charges, and urban breaching charges all on the same day?  While the calculations first gained importance in the demolition block, the bridging block, and the general engineering block (which we are now on) have taken them to an all new level.  Nothing is too complicated, but boy does the army love charts!

Morning PT at 0515 has been a good daily ritual.  My entire daily rhythm has shifted around it, but probably for the better.  PT is a good way to start the day.  I’m really glad that I kept up with running and that I like the hills (interesting that most guys don’t seem to…).  The onset of cold weather really has me looking forward to skiing, but Fort Leonard Wood has yet to get any snow.

While most weekends here have been fairly drab with class work, field training exercises, or other free-time inhibiting activities, I have had a few opportunities to escape post.  The first came in October when a bunch of friends and I rented a cabin at the Lake of the Ozarks.  We enjoyed hanging out and generally relaxing.  The most recent was last weekend, when I went down to Tulsa to visit my granddad, aunt, uncle, and cousins for Thanksgiving.  We ate some delicious food (duck kebabs being the most memorable of which), played billiards, croquet, and went for a couple nice walks.  It was nice to see the family again. 

In addition to Thanksgiving, last week was special in the sense that I celebrated both my promotion to 1st Lieutenant and 24th birthday.   What I mostly look forward to however, is going back home for Christmas and spending time outdoors with all my friends again!